
The package offers a schematics to install the package and add the needed file changes in your spartacus project.

Schematics installation

  1. Run the angular schematics ng add @valantic/spartacus-mock to install the package, add all needed changes and generate the boilerplate files.

  2. Check all the file changes made by the schematics, restore potential previous custom changes, as the adjusted files where copied from spartacus-mock

  3. Optional: If you use PWA functionality, enhance your ngsw-config.json section app config files array with "!/*mock*.js". This makes sure, the service worker does not load the mock server files.

      "name": "app",
      "installMode": "prefetch",
      "resources": {
        "files": [
  4. Optional: if you use prettier, add the file src/mockServiceWorker.js to the .prettierignore file

Manual installation

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the root folder of your angular / spartacus project (the folder where the angular.json is located)

  2. Run npm i @valantic/spartacus-mock@3.1.0 -d to install the package as devDependency

  3. Run npm i msw@2.2.3 -d to install the package as devDependency

  4. Enhance angular.json architect build target assets array with "src/mockServiceWorker.js"

  5. Enhanced package.json with the following object in the root level

    "msw": {
       "workerDirectory": "src"
  6. Enhance your src/environments/environment.ts file with the following properties (these properties are needed for the mock server to work)

    1. mockServer: true,

    2. with the following object in the root level

    backend: {
      occ: {
        baseUrl: '<your-spartacus-dev-env-url>',
        prefix: '/occ/v2/',
  7. Add an src/environments/environment.model.ts to have better type safety

  8. Replace the content of the file src/main.ts with the following content:

    import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
    import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
    import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
    import { environment } from './environments/environment';
    if (environment.production) {
    async function prepare(): Promise<
      ServiceWorkerRegistration | undefined
    > {
      if (!environment.mockServer) {
        return undefined;
      const { prepareMockServer } = await import(
        /* webpackChunkName: "mock-server" */ './mock-server'
      return prepareMockServer();
    function bootstrap() {
        .catch((err) => console.error(err));
    if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
      prepare().then(() => bootstrap());
    } else {
      document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () =>
        prepare().then(() => bootstrap())

    Merge potential previous custom changes with the above content, if you have any

  9. Optional: Run the schematics ng boilerplate @valantic/spartacus-mock and check the boilerplate files generated in the src/mock-server folder for an easier start

    1. src/mock-server/index.ts

    2. src/mock-server/routes.ts

    3. src/mock-server/handlers.ts

    4. src/mock-server/pass-through.ts

    5. src/mock-server/mock-data/languages/languages.ts

  10. Optional: If you use PWA functionality, enhance your ngsw-config.json app config files array with "!/*mock*.js". This makes sure, the service worker does not load the mock server files.

  "name": "app",
  "installMode": "prefetch",
  "resources": {
    "files": [

Last updated